All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Offices all moved

Boxes are everywhere….seriously I can’t find my stapler to save my soul. But I’ve gotta say….I LOVE THE NEW DIGS. It is a little bit of a pain in the arse to have to drive across town to keep track of two locations. But my office is SO big and the warehouse has much less foot traffic and none of the annoying daily rental phone calls. I can actually get uninterrupted work time. (or blog time) no annoying owner just dropping by. Big plus.

I’ve started splitting my time….a few days here and few days there. I’ve set up things so I can remote ‘office’ which means I can work in my pj’s if I feel like it. ;)

I did manage to finish a pair of socks for ‘Sweetness’ but nothing more happening on the knitting front. I suck….I know….

Ok….that’s all she wrote for now….

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ok…I’ll admit it

Getting goodies in the mail brings out the 5-year-old in me.

Today after an unbelievable ugly day at work I had this waiting for me on the kitchen table:

Ok….it was packed and wrapped up in lovely white tissue paper each sealed with little winter themed stickers.

I am slightly more mature then I was at age 5…..I did manage to open the card first:

It revealed my SP11’s identity…..Penny from

Lookie….Lookie…..This is “The Magic Loop” by Sarah Hauschka’s….Penny also included Knit Picks circulars 32” size 1.

And just incase that wasn’t exciting enough Penny also included this:

Yes….that’s right Cat Bordhi’s “Socks Soar on Two Circulars Needles” complete with two Knit Picks circulars 16” size 1….WOW….I mean….really WOW!!

But wait….there’s more! The first yarn is 80% merino/20% nylon hand dyed by Penny herself….it’s beautiful! The second one is Cherry Tree Hill Sockittome in Moody Blues….I’ve always wanted to try Cherry Tree Hill….yes I’m new. ;)

Next Penny included some “Soak” in citrus….and some Wild Honeysuckle body lotion. I love it!

Last the surprise that made me smile the most:

SUGAR FREE Twizzlers! This managed to reduce me to a giggling fool. Seriously Strawberry twists….sugar free. You can’t even believe how thoughtful and wonderful a gift that was.

Penny, you are amazing! I can’t thank you enough!

The promised pictures of Mr. Mans booties will have to wait until I have a chance to wash them. They ended up on his feet about 2 seconds after they came off the needles and now are much too sticky to get close too. :) good thing I love that man.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

It’s amazing what you find when packing

In the middle of packing up my office I found a few goodies.

Chuck E. Cheese has those cool photo booths….here’s two pictures of the daughter and granddaughter.

Mr Man drawn by our son….

And while I’m at it….Here’s a clip of some of our sons work from Sponge Bob (this is from the Atlantis Squarepantis episode)….

I finally finished Mr. Man's booties and started on a pair of socks for the granddaughter....I'll post pictures soon.

Ok....enough wasting time...back to packing. Happy belated turkey day.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I completely SUCK

In the blogging department these days. For that I sincerely apologize. My real life (not to be confused with my online life) has been turned upside down and I’m dealing with it (or not dealing with it depending on who you ask) the best I can.

My office is a wreck… looks like a bomb went off on my desk. Given that we’re moving in a mere 9 days you would expect there would be boxes everywhere. You would be wrong. I have not managed to pack a single thing. Not in my office and certainly not in the rest of the warehouse. Nothing, nada, zilch….not because I haven’t wanted to pack (ok…’wanted’ might be too strong of a word here) but because neither of the new warehouses are even close to move in ready. Add to that Turkey Day breaking a perfectly good week up and my employees insisting on actually being with their families (the nerve) and people wanting to celebrate their holiday down time by going to concerts (again…the nerve) building and moving progress is painfully slow. Yesterday the electrician cut through the main water pipe at the warehouse across the street….so today the plumber is doing his best to fix it. This entire move has been a case of “if it can go wrong it will go wrong”.

I’m not knitting much….a few rows on the two projects I’m dying to finish (Mr. Mans booties and the Debbie Bliss silk shawl) each day is all I can muster. Last night I fell asleep with the booties in my hand, in mid row. I woke up at 3 am with a sharp pain in my ‘arse’ thanks to a metal knitting needle and yarn tangled around my arm. No stitches lost thank goodness….the knitting muse had pity on me.

The last goodie box for my SP11 is nearly done….yarn and knick knacks with an Austin flare. I’m hoping it makes up for my lack of participation in her blogging world and this hasn’t been a completely underwhelming experience for her.

To my upstream pal, I send my apologizes….it’s no fun to spoil someone who rarely posts and whose glimpse of life are chaotic with little or no fiber content. I hope once her name is reveled she’ll give me the opportunity to make it up to her.

Ok….must run….the drywall guy just ran over to inform me he broke one of the ceiling light fixtures….sigh.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

No rest for the weary

I always look forward to this time of year….things slow down at work and I have more time for friends, family and my favorite pastime….knitting.

Not this year….this year work as been steady, with shows every weekend and here and there in the middle of the week. Add to that the unexpected office move and things are darn right hectic around here. We thought we would have 4 mouths to leisurely move 12 years of crap only to find out this week that we have until the end of November or be charged triple rent. Triple rent in addition to paying rent on the two new places while we remodel is undoable if we plan on keeping the business going. We just don’t make enough money to take on that kind of expense. So we’re scrambling….rushing to finish remodeling the small warehouse across the street enough to make it at least workable for us…..scrambling to build the infrastructure of the big warehouse enough so it’s ready to except our gear….all while continuing to do concerts and PA’s because this year business just hasn’t slowed down at all. Go figure.

My office is a complete disaster….my employees are a bit freaked out over all the changes. So am I but I have to keep it together and try to project a little confidence that everything is under control….We’re flying by the seat of our pants.

Other then that….things are fine. **insert hysterical laughter here**

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I’m working from home today. Things are interesting at work…we decided to split my department in two with one part (the PA’s ) staying close to the retail store and the other part (the backline) warehousing across town. The PA department move will be relatively easy since the new location is directly across the street. But the building is a complete nightmare so we are going to remodel it. I haven’t seen the warehouse where my backline will live yet….DB and I will head there on Friday. I’ve been busy drawing up plans for the remodel and trying to figure out who and what will go where.

Our truck got tagged but it’s so darn cool I’m going to keep it and hope whoever did it will come back and finish it.

Mr. Man’s socks are still unfinished … look:

These should have been a fast easy knit….they’re booties in a super simple pattern and yet that’s how far I’ve gotten on them….seriously….what a slacker.

While Sunshine and I were outside butchering….er….craving her pumpkin….the postman delivered a box….from my SP11! Lookie:

I LOVE it….Love that bag! I’m hiding the Skull pads and pencils because the evil daughter will try to steal them from me….maybe I’ll share….maybe not. ;) I have the BEST secret pal. Even though I don’t post nearly enough she has always managed to pick the exact right gift at the exact right time. THANK YOU SO MUCH SP11.

Ok….off to make dinner and do my best to get an excited 5 year old with candy on her mind to actually eat it….wish me luck, I’m going to need it

Friday, October 26, 2007

Nuts but alive

The knitting muse as left me….hopefully only momentarily. I still haven’t finished Mr. Mans socks. In fact I’ve actually frogged them 4 times….every single time I attempt to do the heel decrease I mess it up. This is making me nuts….

Work is stressful right now, someone bought the building we’ve been renting for the last 12 years and we have to move the business. This too is making me nuts.

Hey but I'm alive....:)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Promised pictures

This is such cool yarn. It has aloe vera and jojaba oil in it….I have no idea how they do that, but I do know it smells wonderful and it’s really really soft.

Along with the yarn (don’t you just love the color!) I also got a really neat project bag….I’m a freak for containers and bags and zippered things. So this is right up my alley and I’m thinking it’s a real handy place to store my double pointed needles. Also notice the sticky notes…..I’m a sticky note fanatic (you should see my office).

Thanks again SP11….I love the goodies!

Monday, October 15, 2007

I’m back!

Festival is over….much stories to tell but that will have to wait until I get some of this paperwork done and my head is clearer.

I had some very cool yarn waiting for me when I got home last night. I love the color and the smell is wonderful! Pictures later today after my eyes can focus again. But I did want to thank my SP11. That’s seriously neat yarn.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Alive and well

Wow, I’ve really been neglecting my blog. Sorry about that. I’m still in festival hell but hopefully things will slow down soon.

I frogged the green socks meant for Mr. Man. I had him try them on right after I finished the gusset decrease and they were way too big. He was swimming in them. So I started over….I’ve gotten to the rib on the first sock and no farther. I’ve been busy with work and when I do have time to knit I’ve been distracted by the Debbie Bliss black silk which I’m knitting up in an English lace pattern. At this rate he might get his birthday socks by Christmas. I just can’t help it….that black silk is so soft and yummy….and I’m so weak.


Friday, September 28, 2007


The daughter finally got around to taking a picture of her purple socks….sorry the picture is so fuzzy.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Of course I didn’t go to bed until 3am so that could explain my ‘arse’ dragging today. I did finally finish the purple socks and gifted them to the daughter. They fit her perfectly and she really likes them. The batteries in my camera are dead so I’ll take pictures of them tonight after work.

I’ve already started on a pair for Mr. Man in that lovely green merino that my SP11 sent me. I had intended on keeping that yarn for myself because it’s just so pretty but after about a dozen not so subtle hints about how I’ve managed to make socks for everyone in the free world except him…..well I caved and cast on his future socks. I decided on a manly garter rib stitch pattern which should be a quick knit. Ok….quicker knit. Work is really interfering with my knitting time.

I think I’m going to frog the lace shawl. I did some quick calculations and I don’t think I’m going to have enough yarn to make this as big has I want, and since the yarn was gifted to me and didn’t have a yarn band identifying the type of yarn it is, chances of finding more are slim. But I know I can find more of the Debbie Bliss silk in black that my mother sent me so that’s the direction I’ll head….besides a black shawl in silk sounds yummy…..of course as I cruse around the ‘nets’ I’m sure I’ll change my mind a few times.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 was the festival you ask?

Other then this: (I was right on the other side of that white tent when it happened....scary)

It went fine....I'm a little tired and am spending the week closing out the show books and getting ready for another festival this weekend. I'll post some pictures later....

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Danger Will Robinson….we have pictures

I’m stuck at work…trying to rap up some of the loose ends for the festival.

Last night when I got home I had this waiting for me:

OK….it WAS actually closed and sealed up nicely…..notice how I trashed the box ripping into it. Geez…what am I two? ;) It’s a present from my SP11. The label says Tulsa. SP if you’re in Tulsa, I hope you’re staying dry and safe with all that flooding. I know ALL about flooding….trust me.

Inside I found this sweet little card:

And this:

The granddaughter already claimed the pen and one of the sticky pads for herself:

Notice the lovely PJ’s she’s sporting….it’s 90 freakin’ degrees here and I can’t get her to take those off and wear something even slightly cooler….it took me a half hour to convince her that she didn’t really need to wear her fuzzy slippers….I mean it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the porch.

I also found this yummy 100% super wash Merino sock yarn. Isn’t it the prettiest green! The daughter was eyeing HARD. But it’s mine…all mine (insert hysterical laughter here)

And just cus I’m on a roll… of the STILL not completed August socks:

They will rock….once they’re done.

And the still not done shawl:

Heck…the lack of progress on this is embarrassing.

Well…there you have it….must get to work now.

THANK YOU so much SP11….you’re the best!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Why yes I am in hell...thanks for asking

Actually not so much.....just in Festival mode so I won't be around much for the next 10 days. Needless to say there will be no knitting getting done around here...lots of Rock-n-Roll....but knitting, not so much.

Friday, August 31, 2007


I’ve had a few these last three weeks. Mostly blood glucose related. Even though I’m not taking a sulfonylurea Byetta is kicking my ‘arse’. I’m still experiencing lows in the evening (40’s and 50’s) which make getting anything accomplished nearly impossible.

My knitting for one is suffering….it’s hard to focus when you’re struggling to get your BG up. These lows last for several hours and by the time I manage to get my BG up into the 70’s I feel like a truck has drug me down the road by my ankles and all I want to do is sleep.

I’m nervous about how I’m going to deal with all of this in the middle of this outdoor festival I’m doing the second week in September….dealing with a low would not be a good thing. On the plus side this stuff has really made my morning numbers great and I’ve had fasting levels that would make a non-diabetic envois. 82 morning fasting when I take the dinner dose….140 when I don’t. And of coarse when I start my day with a fasting of 140 my numbers the rest of the day stink. It’s just those pesky evening lows….which by the way no one has an explanation for. Not my doctor, not Lilly, not other people using Byetta….no one has every heard of that happening to anyone not also taking a sulfonylurea. I’m an anomaly.

I hate being an anomaly.

But again….on the plus side….I’m drinking a boat-load of juice….something I hadn’t be able to do in a long time. I ‘heart’ juice.

I’m still hoping to finish the August socks when I get home tonight….lets just hope my body cooperates.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I’ve been distracted

This came the other day:

A birthday present from my son…..I ‘heart’ it. Even though it’s a little frustrating since the shuffle is a continuous play MP3 it makes it nearly impossible to use for audio books which is what I was hopping to use it for. But I’ve downloaded an Agatha Christie podcast which will hopefully take me through finishing my August socks.

I see a regular ipod in my future ;)because I'm hooked.

Pictures of the finished socks and ‘not even close to finished’ wrap later…..

Monday, August 20, 2007

Back among the living...and a contest

I took 3 whole days off….3 days. That’s nearly unheard of around here. I had planned on taking Saturday off for my birthday and it just snowballed from there. Of course this will be the last day off until ACL Fest is over….

The daughter and granddaughter took me out from dinner on Saturday at Carrabba’s my favorite restaurant of all time. I’m sure I ate too much (ok….I KNOW I ate too much and that 300 BG confirms it) and yes I did have the tiramisu complete with a candle stuck in it.

Lots going on in the health front (if you want to be bored to tears feel free to go to the other blog )

I haven’t finished my August birthday socks yet. Have turned the heels on both of them but I’m not even done with the gusset decrease on one (yes I knit two at a time….but on double points because I’m just a freak that way) For some reason I just haven’t been all that interested in working on them. The yarn is yummy (a gift from Janette for SP10) the pattern is called ‘baby cable’ which I don’t hate….I just really haven’t hit my stride with this pair.

I’m not getting very far along with my wrap either (also in yummy yarn gifted to me by Janette)….knitting in spurts.

My mother sent me two 50g skeins of Debbie Bliss 100% silk in black….not sure yet what I’ll turn them into but right now petting them is making me very happy….they are SO soft. ;) She also sent me a birthday ecard everyday for a week leading up to my birthday….silly woman. ;0)

I also got a very funny ecard from my secret pal…..thank you SP11...I loved it.

Speaking of Secret Pal 11…..Jenn (my SP11 hostess) has this little contest to kick off SP11 in style. The prize you ask? Handpainted sock yarn!! And I do love me some handpainted sock yarn….don’tcha know. ;)

1. What is the one knitting accessory you could not live without? My Denise interchangeable needles. I ‘heart’ them so much.

2. If you're heading on vacation, do you take knitting with you? If
so, how much and what type of project?
Heck I take my knitting to work with me…so of course I’d take it on vacation. Ahh….not that I actually ever GO on vacation. I’d take whatever I’m currently working on that I can do without having to refer to the pattern too many times. Socks are always good…and maybe a wrap or shawl.

3. Where have you travelled to that you'd consider your favorite spot? Well I LOVED New Orleans before Katrina….Anywhere there is ocean works for me.

4. What is your favorite knitting book at the moment? Do you own it? Sensational Knitted Socks is a real staple….but I’ve fallen in love with Vogue Knitting. Nope don’t own any Vogue yet.

5. Do you listen to podcasts? Which is your favorite(s)? No podcasts YET….my son bought me an ipod for Christmas and then never sent it to me. :/ He swears he sent it the day before my birthday….tap tap tap….yep still waiting. Once I get it I see many podcasts in my future.

Alrighty must get back to work….

Monday, August 13, 2007

Secret Pal 11 Questionnaire

1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like? Guess I’ve turned into a fiber snob….natural fibers are by far my favorites….novelty yarn gives me a rash ;)

2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? My straight bamboo needles live in a vase on my dresser (hey it’s art…ok?) my double points are in a plastic stackable organizer (which seriously needs organizing) and my circulars live in their Denise ‘box’.

3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? My grandmother introduced me to knitting. I’m a beginner in some things an intermediate in others….and advanced in my dreams. ;)

4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? Yes I do….on the side bar somewhere.

5. What's your favorite scent? I love lavender, rose, carnation, sandalwood, patchouli….not very found of fruity smells.

6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? I have diabetes so I don’t indulge my sweet tooth often….BUT Welch’s makes these fruit snacks which are kinda like gummy bears only fruit shaped….YUMMY.

7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? I don’t spin….yet ;) I do have a knitting board which I LOVE and I make soap, candles and jewelry.

8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) I like rock and blues and Cajun stuff….New Orleans Jazz and bluegrass and SOME country. Rap makes me break out in hives.

9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand? I love earth tones….and greens and blues. Just can’t do pink.

10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? I live with my husband and our two boxers Brutus and Janis. Our adult daughter moved back home with our granddaughter temporarily (please God let it be temporarily)

11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? Not very often but I do LOVE ponchos and shawls and wraps.

12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? Socks…

13. What are you knitting right now? Socks and a wrap

14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? I do very much!!

15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? I’ve bent all my bamboo double points SO I have to go out and buy some aluminum or plastic (knitting too many socks) I’m swearing off bamboo for awhile until I stop snapping and bending all of them. :/

16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? I got a yarn winder from my last SP and I love it. No swift yet.

17. How old is your oldest UFO? Well….I hate to admit….6 months (a poncho) and 8 months (a blanket from HELL)

18. What is your favorite holiday? I LOVE Halloween!

19. Is there anything that you collect? Pigs…I love pigs… Wade 'whimsey-on-why' houses….Boxer dog figurines, and anything 'tea' related.

20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? I have a subscription to “YARN” from Australia (LOVE IT!!) other then that…I love to get my hands on all kinds of fiber related things.

21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? Socks on circulars and socks toe up.

22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? Yep…I knit socks. I wear a US 71/2

23. When is your birthday? August 18th

24. Are you on Ravelry? If so, what's your ID? Yes I am…although work hasn’t allowed me to really spend much time there….my id is: Monika

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

I love you!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

July Socks

Good grief and it isn’t even the 12th hour on the last day! I’m done! This pair is another from Charlene Schurch’s Sensational Knitted Socks. In fact it’s the same pattern I used for a pair a few months ago. My friend Joyce saw that pair and really wanted a pair of her own only in blue…

So there you have it…..the yarn is Fleece Artist again from Tidal Brook Yarns. The pattern is an openwork rib and if Joyce wasn’t my best friend I would keep these socks for myself….

Now to get ready for SAM4…..

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


My secret pal Janette has spoiled me once again and in a major way. Just look at what was waiting for me when I came home last night.

Can you believe it? Look at all that yarn…..holy cow! And Burt’s Bee’s hand cream (one of my very favorites) as well as their yummy smelling lemon cuticle cream. Two bars of Lavender soap and this amazing soap called Dirty Girl….which I used this morning and is now my all time favorite!

And then there was this:

**big grin** my friend Diana also from Australia had tried her best to convince me to try some. But I resisted…..but guess what I had for breakfast this morning? Ok….I managed a half piece of toast….but I did try some. It packs a real punch but I understand why so many Australians swear by it. Heck it's nothing but Vitamin B….it’s (pungent) energy in a jar, and if Americans could just get past the strong and slightly bitter taste it would be very beneficial…..but boy that stuff is stiff!

Also along with the goodies came a lovely letter telling me about her home and her family….She really sounds wonderful.

Thank you so much Janette….you really did spoil me!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Micheles Socks

I'll post details tomorrow....for now, just a picture

Saturday, June 30, 2007

See what I got…..

It came yesterday and on the package it said J Mana SP10…..Hmmmm….well now. So I looked through the amazing book and in the credits it said Janette Mana….J Mana…….holy cow….Seems my secret pal who’s done such a good job spoiling me is Janette Mana…..I think. Because I didn’t find any note in the package. The outside of the package said the contents were circular needles… wasn’t. But it was this amazing book with such lovely designs…. other then the name on the package corresponding with the name of the designer, I have no other clues.

SO….secret pal? Are you Janette Mana? And if you are….well your designs are stunning and I hope one day to be a good enough knitter to give them a try.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

And it’s still raining

I’m thinking it has rained everyday this month…..we’re having some serious flooding in Central Texas as well as a serious mesquite problem caused by all this water. A year and a half ago (just before the housing market started on its decline) Mr. Man and I were thinking about moving to Marble Falls (about an hour or so from Austin)….a friend of ours has two houses that he was willing to sell (they aren’t on the market….just willing to sell to us) and if we had actually been able to sell our current house…..well I’d be one of those people pictured on top of there roof waiting for a helicopter rescue. ‘My’ little Marble Falls house is 15 feet from the lake on one side and 10 feet from a waterway on the other side.

And still no end in sight.

On the blood glucose front:
It’s betting harder and harder to control, and I can just forget predicting what my numbers are going to be from one minute to the next. Fasting this morning was 164….I peaked at 240 and right now I’m at 132. ~sigh~ I have an appointment on the 9th……

On the knitting front:
I have three days to finish the socks for June (the ones I’m gifting to the daughter) three days…..truly its some sort of sickness that I constantly wait until the last minute to finish things.
I’ve actually finished the shawl from my secret pal gifted yarn….its very simple and cozy and just the minute it gets even the slightest bit cooler I’m wearing it. I can’t wait… this weekend of BOTH finished projects.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Slightly more human

Although I still have an infection in my jaw of all places. It hurts and is making eating difficult so my BG is running really low one minute and then freakishly high the next. I’m on a heavy dose of antibiotics (I don’t usually take antibiotics) which is making my stomach queasy….or it could be the vicodin which I’m popping like breathe mints. (I don’t usually take pain pills either….) I’ll be so glad when this tooth is fixed….or yanked….either way is fine with me right now.

I’ve only taken one day off….considering the amount of pain I’ve been in that is really pathetic….in fact I’m at work right now…..

As a result (of all this pain) I’ve gotten nothing productive accomplished all week. I tried to work on the pedicure socks but after knitting away for two hours and realizing that I had only knit two rows and that I had in fact made a mistake and would have to rip it out….I decided that knitting under the influence of pain pills was a really bad idea. I did however HOLD my shawl and THINK about knitting some…..if that counts. ;)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Happy Worldwide Knit in public day!

I’m knitting at work….although I don’t really think that counts since I knit at work all the time. But it will have to do since I’m stuck here for the time being.

I’ve completely abandoned the toe socks after frogging them dozen of times and still not getting them to look right. ~sigh~ I’m making the daughter pedicure socks instead. I’ll revisit the whole individual toe thing in the future.

I have 25cm left to knit on the shawl made from the yarn my secret pal sent me. Pictures next week, I promise.

Ok….sort and sweet….back to kni…er…work.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Socks, socks and more socks

Well not really but what the heck….

The May socks are done, but I can't post a proper picture right now since my mother reads my blog and this pair are being gifted to her. Got to say I really like this pair and that yarn is really pretty. I’m sure she’s going to like them. They’ll be off in the mail first thing tomorrow. Heres a little tease.....

Aren't they pretty? ;)

On to the daughters socks…..I still haven’t found a pattern for toe socks. Her second choice were socks with no toes so it looks like that’s the direction I’ll be heading unless a pattern falls from the sky in the next few days.

No pictures yet of the shawl ….it’s at the stage where it isn’t much to look at right now. I’ve opted to do it in a garter with a YO increase at the beginning of each row. (SL 1, K1, YO, K to end) BORING I know, but it really shows off the amazing colors of this yarn and will be casual enough to wear with jeans or my sleeveless dress. I have a feeling that this shawl will be a wardrobe staple which I will wear nonstop.

That’s all for now….I’m at work until 3pm.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sneaky People

I’ve been tagged….via email from my secret pal. The one I’m spoiling, not the one spoiling me. Anyway….here it is

My 7 things:

1. I’m with Karen on this one….if I could change one thing about me (and all PWD), I (we) would no longer have diabetes. And while I’m on a roll…I’d do away with thyroid disease too.

2. I’m addicted to Jane Austen books, because somewhere deep down I’m a hopeless romantic. In fact I’m pretty much addicted to ‘chick-flicks’ too. My family and friends make fun of me all the time.

3. I’ve always dreamt of opening my own bookstore / coffee shop / bar / nightclub (Yes all those in the same place and yes it would be strange and eclectic)

4. I eat peanut butter everyday….on just about anything but my favorite is on a waffle for breakfast.

5. With the exception of two jobs when I was a teenager, every other job I’ve had has been in someway related to the music industry.

6. I’m ambidextrous, and can write equally well with either my right or left hand. Although when I do any kind of needle or craft projects I tent to favor my left hand and when I reach for things I use my left hand and I prefer to wear my watch on my right hand.

7. I’m a talk radio and news junky. Mr. Man is worse then I am…he actually argues with the television. We rarely miss the Sunday morning news talk shows (Meet the Press and Face the Nation), or Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. My entire immediate family takes politics very seriously….but not SO seriously that we can’t enjoy The Daily Show, The Corbert Report or Real Time with Bill Maher, which we rarely ever miss either.

If you’re reading this and haven’t yet caved to the MEME goodness of it all….well then consider yourself TAGGED. OK…so off to email this to my secret pal since she doesn’t know where to ‘find’ me….yet.

Something to pick up my spirits

It’s been a busy stressful few weeks. Work and daughter issues….weddings and…well….life in general. My nerves and frankly my dispassion have been stretched to their limit.

But last night I came home to a little something from my secret pal that really made my week.

Some wonderful cuticle cream (everyone is trying to steal it from me) some postcards from Australia (that Sweetness claimed as hers) a truly cute sheep card (that I had to pry out of the daughters hands) and yarn…..Littlewood Fleece (8 ply), in the most amazing shades of gold, blue and just a hint of green.

It took me no time at all to cast on and start knitting myself a shawl / wrap with it. In fact it matches the colors of my favorite sleeveless dress nearly perfectly.

Thank you SO much secret pal…

Friday, May 11, 2007

I’m such a follower

Shamelessly snagged from another blog.
Mark with bold the things you have knitted, with italics the ones you plan to do sometime, and leave the rest.

Garter stitch
Knitting with metal wire
Stockinette stitch
Socks: top-down
Socks: toe-up
Knitting with camel yarn
Mittens: Cuff-up
Mittens: Tip-down
Knitting with silk
Moebius band knitting
Participating in a KAL
Sweater (Baby sweater counts….right?)
Drop stitch patterns
Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn
Slip stitch patterns
Knitting with banana fiber yarn
Domino knitting (=modular knitting)
Twisted stitch patterns
Knitting with bamboo yarn
Two end knitting
Charity knitting
Knitting with soy yarn
Toy/doll clothing
Knitting with circular needles
Baby items
Knitting with your own handspun yarn
Graffiti knitting (knitting items on, or to be left on the street)
Continental knitting
Designing knitted garments
Cable stitch patterns (incl. Aran)
Lace patterns
Publishing a knitting book
Teaching a child to knit
American/English knitting (as opposed to continental)
Knitting to make money
Button holes
Knitting with alpaca
Fair Isle knitting
Norwegian knitting
Dying with plant colours
Knitting items for a wedding
Household items (dishcloths, washcloths)
Knitting socks (or other small tubular items)on two circulars
Olympic knitting
Knitting with someone else’s handspun yarn
Knitting with dpns
Holiday related knitting
Teaching a male how to knit
Knitting for a living
Knitting with cotton
Knitting smocking
Dying yarn
Knitting art
Knitting two socks on two circulars simultaneously
Knitting with wool
Textured knitting
Kitchener BO
Knitting with beads
Long Tail CO
Knitting and purling backwards
Machine knitting
Knitting with self patterning/self striping/variegating yarn
Stuffed toys
Knitting with cashmere
Knitting with synthetic yarn
Writing a pattern
Knitting with linen
Knitting for preemies
Tubular CO
Freeform knitting
Short rows
Cuffs/fingerless mits/armwarmers
Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine
Knitting on a loom
Thrummed knitting
Knitting a gift
Knitting for pets
Knitting with dog/cat hair
Hair accessories
Knitting in public

Friday, May 4, 2007

Spending money always helps

Even if you don’t have any… funky mood is getting slightly better.

I ordered 3 skeins of Fleece Artist sock yarn for the next 3 pairs of socks I have to knit. The timing is great and I’ll be killing several birds with one stone. The first pair of socks will serve as a Mothers day gift and my May socks for SAM3. There will be no pictures until these are in my Mothers hot little hands (feet) since she reads my blogs.

Junes SAM3 socks will also be gifted to the daughter for her birthday….these will be a little tricky since she’s requested toe socks. SO….anyone have a pattern for toe socks? Help!

July SAM3 socks will be gifted to my friend Joyce for her birthday. How very organized of me.

I’ve also started knitted Christmas presents, but mums the word on the details because again my mother lurks here.

Monday, April 30, 2007

FO and a found computer cable

Found it! Houston we have pictures.

First are the April socks for the Sock a Month KAL3

Notice the sock forms…..look close…..those are boxers cut out on the forms! How cool is that! These were gifted to me by my secret pal and waiting for me when I got home from work on Saturday. I LOVE them.

On to the socks….knitted from a pattern in ‘Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch. Elongated rib, which is the same pattern I used for ‘Sweetness’s’ socks. Such an easy pattern repeat and so much fun to knit. The yarn was also gifted to me by my secret pal….it’s from Tidal Brook Yarns, Fleece Artist, 100% hand dyed merino. It went from this:

To this:

The socks fit me perfectly but it’s 80 degrees in Texas, so wool sock wearing weather has passed for the time being.

Next I finished the baby cardigan for my friends daughters baby in time to gift it to her at her baby shower.

I also managed to whip up a pair of matching booties. I paired it with a cute little lacey top with matching pants which rounded out my gift nicely. I got a lot of complements on it…..I’m pretty pleased.

Not pictured but also started and completed this weekend was a bath mitt for Mr. Man knitted in 100% cotton….

Yes I was a knitting fool.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Much weekend doings, much Saturday whining

Another Saturday and I’m stick at work. Sometimes I think it might have been easier when I was just an hourly employee rather then the boss. No I’m not complaining….well ok, maybe a little.

Mr. Man had a gig last night and has another one tonight….then working from me on Sunday for some MTV thingy happening in town. He didn’t get in until the wee hours last night, I’m sure it will be the same situation tonight and his load in on Sunday is ‘ugly’ early…..he’s less then thrilled, but hopefully the extra money will help ease the pain a bit. Our checking account is hemorrhaging because I miscalculated….I hate when that happens. Money issues ~sigh~ my mother always said “lack of money is the root of all evil”….and with gas prices at just under 3 dollars a gallon and the trickle affect as a result making every thing cost more it’s hitting every one hard. I’d love to get ‘off the grid’ and buy a hybrid car and fit my house with solar power. Ok….enough whining.

I worked on seaming that baby cardigan last night. Didn’t finish it yet, I have no idea why I’m so reluctant to just do it and get it over with. Well, not really true, I know why I’m procrastinating….truly I stink at weaving in ends and seaming things together. I need to get over it…..maybe there’s a class at my local yarn shop I can take? I’ll need to look into it.

I also worked on my April socks….I’m running out of time on all these projects.

Procrastination thy name is Monika.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Last night I ‘went-a-searching’

Hunting for computer cable-age …..bound and determined to find the interface cable for my camera. As I dug through my desk I found just about everything else….but the damn cable. Left over yarn, lancets, test strips (how the heck do these little buggers end up all over the damn place) mingled in between ‘important’ papers. I’m a packrat….bordering on slob. I have cables to printers I don’t own anymore….connectors to things I can’t identify and bread ties. ??? Bread ties? Weird.

One thing led to another and I decided that I should clear / organize my yarn. More bits and pieces of fiber in shopping bags hanging on doorknobs of every closet in this house. Yarn….pattern directions….knitting needles….test stripes…..wait? Yep test strips….damn; I’m finding these suckers everywhere.

This of course led to my cleaning out my purse. Apparently I’m incapable of throwing out any receipt….no matter how insignificant. Chap stick with enough lint on it to make it difficult to determine what kind it once was. Phone numbers written on little pieces of scrap paper with no names to identify to whom the number belongs (that’s always helpful) Knitting needles, yarn bands, cell phone, makeup, glucose meter, empty test strip vile…. and more lancets and test strips lose on the bottom.

As I type (at work) looking to my right….on the floor….in front of my scanner….I spy another test strip. ~sigh~

And still….no damn camera interface cable.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I got Stitch Markers

Pretty itty bitty my secret pal. Thanks Pal!

Pictures to follow, hopefully tonight, when I find the cable for my camera....because if it's not one thing it's another.

I finished knitting all the pieces to the baby cardigan I’m making for the shower on the 28th. It’s cute….super fast easy knit because it’s basically 5 rectangles. The pattern calls for a garter stitch but I did it in a seed just to change things a bit. Pattern is here and was featured on an episode of The Carol Duvall show. All I have left to do is seam it together, once I figure out which seaming technique best suits the seed stitch pattern (Ideas? Comments? Suggestions?) ….I plan on attaching little pink ribbons randomly on the front and back and add a pink ribbon tie. Like the picture below (also from Carol Duvall's site)....but I'm not weaving ribbon around the bottom. Let's hope mine turns out even half as nice...I'm horible at 'finishing' and seaming. It really seems to be an area where my skills are lacking.

I also knitted some matching baby booties using the same yarn (Baby Bee – Little Britches ‘frolic’) which is a black yarn with pink and white weaved into it that I found hiding in my stash. Still need to buy the ribbon and a pink shirt and black baby pants to complete the gift. Wish me luck.

My April socks are still unfinished…..looks like I’ll be cutting it close again this month. But I really needed to get this baby gift figured out and finished.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Randomness for a Saturday

Stuck at work today….and I’m just about as happy as a person can be that’s stuck at work on a Saturday. In case you missed it that would be sarcasm.

Much clock watching going on….is it 3pm yet?

We had a major storm here yesterday. I was caught completely off guard even though the weathermen (persons) had warned us all day about the potential. Friday nights are my hot tub nights….a glass of wine and a soak in 110 degree water under the stars. It’s a ritual I rarely miss. So true to form I was neck deep in water when I noticed the lightening….and then preceded to disregard it thinking it was nothing….Plenty of time for a soak before the weather reached me. Ahhh….wrong….one big ‘crack’ and the sky completely opened up. In the time it took me to jump out of the tub, grab my clothes, put them on (can’t very well run naked across the yard….well I could, but I’m trying not to scare small children) and run to the house I was drenched head to toe and the lighting was directly above me. When I reached the house….out of breath and dripping, Mr. Man took one look at me and said “you know there’s a tornado warning….right?”….do now, damn it, thanks for the heads up….sheesh…

It did blow in a nice cold front that knocked the humidity out of the air, but the wind was pretty bad and today….well 20 mile an hour gusts are predicted which made driving into work this morning thrilling.

I’ve managed to make it to the heel flap on my April socks….talk about taking it slow. I’m only able to work on them a little bit at a time before my fingers start complaining. Old age stinks. These socks sure are pretty and taking this slowly while frustrating because I want them done now…is keeping me from making mistakes. They are turning out great.

I have a baby shower to attend on the 28th and I had hoped / planned on knitting something ‘baby’ inspired but I haven’t even started yet….ok….haven’t even picked a pattern….yarn….nothing. I need to find something quick and easy and I need to find it….yesterday.

Off to search the web for some inspiration.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Secret Pal strikes again

Waiting for me when I got home from work last night was this:

No…that’s not an actual picture of ‘my’ wool winder…but I can't find my camera. I’d bet money ‘the daughter’ has it…..she will be flogged….come to think of it... I think she has my favorite pair of shoes too….rotten child.


I spent an hour watching American Idol (why haven’t they voted Sanjaya off yet? Really why?) and winding yarn into perfect flat bottom center pull ‘balls’….I now have a dozen or so sitting in my stash looking pretty. ;) Mr. Man actually asked me if I was going to wind every single skein I had “right now”…..ahh? I kinda thought I might? Why is that obsessive?

Thank you so much secret pal….what a great little gadget

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The new 'Mag' in town and Easter doings

Got my first YARN magazine in the mail yesterday. I love it (thanks again Secret Pal). It's full of great articles (one on using a spindle....which I really really want to try) and some real nifty patterns. So in between working on my April socks and the poncho from hell, I read the thing cover to cover.

'Sweetness' had a Barbie Easter....Barbie basket, with a Barbie doll and Barbie candy....she couldn't have been happier, although she took Barbie’s hair out of its perfect ponytail and noticed she was bald. The manufacture had only given her enough hair for a ponytail. Guess they didn't count on a 5-year-old hairstylist….silly manufactures, don’t they know the very first thing a 5-year-old does with a new doll is its hair? ‘Sweetness’ got a kick out of it and spent the rest of the day showing everyone Barbie’s bald head…..yep, hours of amusement.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Wow…I’m in a ‘posty’ sort of mood today

How very prolific of me….maybe I shouldn’t have said that, since now you’ll expect some sort of profound post and this doesn’t promise to be that at all.

It’s rain outside….now rain in central Texas in April is nothing to alert the news media about (although to watch the local news around here you’d think this was the beginnings of the great flood worthy of Noah and maybe including an Ark) no….no big deal. Except that it’s 30 something degrees outside (one of my employees just said our meter reads 37)….in APRIL and the weather forecast reads:

Cloudy, windy and much colder! We'll start the morning with temperatures in the mid-40s with a gusty north wind at 10-20 mph. There is a 90% chance for rain showers off and on for much of the day. By afternoon, as temperatures fall into the 30s, the rain may be mixed with sleet in the Hill Country, and perhaps even in Austin by Saturday night. Because the ground is so warm, any wintery precipitation that falls will melt quickly. A light freeze is possible Saturday night in the Hill Country, with temperatures falling to around 34 degrees in Austin.

**looks out the tiny little window in my office**….it’s f**king APRIL….and it might sleet? What kind of cruel joke is THAT! It was 80 last week…..eight zero….and we had the air conditioners on.

Ok….not funny…..knock it off already.

Sweetness and Light

New school picture came this week....guess she's going for that smushy face thing from now on. ;) Smushy face

Friday, April 6, 2007

Lookie what I've done so far

April socks are moving right along. K2P2 rib is nearly complete and then on to the body of the socks.

Isn't this yarn pretty? So nice to knit with....I just can't thank my Secret Pal enough.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Work is completely getting in the way of my knitting.

I’ve started on my April socks…finally. I’m knitting up that yummy merino that my Secret Pal sent me. It’s SOOO pretty. Here’s where she got it from Tidal Brook Yarns Check it out….she has some amazing things in her ebay store. I see money spending in my future. I’m knitting these socks on US #1 double points (damn those suckers are tiny)…K2P2 rib for 1.5 inches but from there I haven’t really decided what pattern to go with. This is a pretty busy yarn so I’m thinking ‘less is more’ when it comes to the body of the sock….but I just LOVED knitting that elongated corded rib (that I used for Sweetness’s socks) so I’m leaning towards that….but I know myself and I might end up changing my mind….again.

I’m ‘yarn shopping’….not buying yet but looking and researching what yarn I want to knit a summer shawl out of. Yes I’ve decided I NEED a summer shawl. I’ve narrowed my pattern search down to four contenders with the one I posted yesterday as the front runner. But rather then jumping in without thinking it through I’m taking my time and making sure it’ll be something I’m really happy with….unlike the winter poncho I’m currently knitting (and ripping and knitting again), although I think I’m finally happy with that way its coming along. Interestingly enough I ended up knitting it in a dark purple variegated yarn (it’s an acrylic blend….not my favorite but easy to throw in the wash with my jeans) in a garter stitch, again not all that exciting but really well suited for the pattern and the yarn (On my Denise Interchangeable Circulars my mother bought me). Wow…I must be maturing….very ‘knitty’ practical of me.

I’ve also started ‘shopping’ for a nice bulky natural blend to knit a throw rug out of using my knitting board. I found a great pattern and I’m itching to cast SOMETHING on to my completely yarn ‘naked’ knitting board also a gift from my mom. It taunts me every time I walk past it “Hey you gonna knit on me or what?” Yes….yes I will….just as soon as I find the right yarn.

I heard from my Secret Pal (is it spoilee or spoiler? I never remember….and apparently English grammar and spelling escapes me) anyway….the one I’m spoiling. She got the gift certificate I had her LYS send her….had to do a bit of researching on that one let me tell you. Google mapquest is my friend. She went right out and bought all kinds of yarn….woman after my own heart.

Ok…enough mindless rambling. I’m actually at work. As you can see I’m getting a lot of important work stuff done….yep…right. Again, good thing I’m the boss or I would really can my behind.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Woohoo….happy dancing

I have a subscription to Yarn Magazine….oh yes I do! Thanks to my Secret Pal….who totally rocks….oh yes she does.

I want to make THIS:

Isn’t it pretty?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

It’s still March right? **checking watch**

March socks are from “Sensational Knitted Socks”…the pattern is an elongated corded rib, knitted on double pointed 2.75mm bamboo needles. I had this yarn left over from a jumper I made as a Christmas present and can’t find the band to save my soul….I hadn’t planned on knitting socks with it but Sweetness (the granddaughter) insisted that she have socks that “match Haley’s pretty dress” and there was no way to talk her out of it. The yarn was a major pain in the butt to knit with on size 2 needles and split on me a dozen times….after much swearing and much procrastination the damn things are done….and the granddaughter is happy (which in the big scheme of things is all the really matters)

Nothing like taking it right down to the wire.

The pictures are lousy but once I had her try them on I couldn’t get them off her feet…