All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Danger Will Robinson….we have pictures

I’m stuck at work…trying to rap up some of the loose ends for the festival.

Last night when I got home I had this waiting for me:

OK….it WAS actually closed and sealed up nicely…..notice how I trashed the box ripping into it. Geez…what am I two? ;) It’s a present from my SP11. The label says Tulsa. SP if you’re in Tulsa, I hope you’re staying dry and safe with all that flooding. I know ALL about flooding….trust me.

Inside I found this sweet little card:

And this:

The granddaughter already claimed the pen and one of the sticky pads for herself:

Notice the lovely PJ’s she’s sporting….it’s 90 freakin’ degrees here and I can’t get her to take those off and wear something even slightly cooler….it took me a half hour to convince her that she didn’t really need to wear her fuzzy slippers….I mean it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the porch.

I also found this yummy 100% super wash Merino sock yarn. Isn’t it the prettiest green! The daughter was eyeing HARD. But it’s mine…all mine (insert hysterical laughter here)

And just cus I’m on a roll… of the STILL not completed August socks:

They will rock….once they’re done.

And the still not done shawl:

Heck…the lack of progress on this is embarrassing.

Well…there you have it….must get to work now.

THANK YOU so much SP11….you’re the best!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked you first package! Hope everything is going well, festival wise and otherwise :D
