All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I’m working from home today. Things are interesting at work…we decided to split my department in two with one part (the PA’s ) staying close to the retail store and the other part (the backline) warehousing across town. The PA department move will be relatively easy since the new location is directly across the street. But the building is a complete nightmare so we are going to remodel it. I haven’t seen the warehouse where my backline will live yet….DB and I will head there on Friday. I’ve been busy drawing up plans for the remodel and trying to figure out who and what will go where.

Our truck got tagged but it’s so darn cool I’m going to keep it and hope whoever did it will come back and finish it.

Mr. Man’s socks are still unfinished … look:

These should have been a fast easy knit….they’re booties in a super simple pattern and yet that’s how far I’ve gotten on them….seriously….what a slacker.

While Sunshine and I were outside butchering….er….craving her pumpkin….the postman delivered a box….from my SP11! Lookie:

I LOVE it….Love that bag! I’m hiding the Skull pads and pencils because the evil daughter will try to steal them from me….maybe I’ll share….maybe not. ;) I have the BEST secret pal. Even though I don’t post nearly enough she has always managed to pick the exact right gift at the exact right time. THANK YOU SO MUCH SP11.

Ok….off to make dinner and do my best to get an excited 5 year old with candy on her mind to actually eat it….wish me luck, I’m going to need it

Friday, October 26, 2007

Nuts but alive

The knitting muse as left me….hopefully only momentarily. I still haven’t finished Mr. Mans socks. In fact I’ve actually frogged them 4 times….every single time I attempt to do the heel decrease I mess it up. This is making me nuts….

Work is stressful right now, someone bought the building we’ve been renting for the last 12 years and we have to move the business. This too is making me nuts.

Hey but I'm alive....:)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Promised pictures

This is such cool yarn. It has aloe vera and jojaba oil in it….I have no idea how they do that, but I do know it smells wonderful and it’s really really soft.

Along with the yarn (don’t you just love the color!) I also got a really neat project bag….I’m a freak for containers and bags and zippered things. So this is right up my alley and I’m thinking it’s a real handy place to store my double pointed needles. Also notice the sticky notes…..I’m a sticky note fanatic (you should see my office).

Thanks again SP11….I love the goodies!

Monday, October 15, 2007

I’m back!

Festival is over….much stories to tell but that will have to wait until I get some of this paperwork done and my head is clearer.

I had some very cool yarn waiting for me when I got home last night. I love the color and the smell is wonderful! Pictures later today after my eyes can focus again. But I did want to thank my SP11. That’s seriously neat yarn.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Alive and well

Wow, I’ve really been neglecting my blog. Sorry about that. I’m still in festival hell but hopefully things will slow down soon.

I frogged the green socks meant for Mr. Man. I had him try them on right after I finished the gusset decrease and they were way too big. He was swimming in them. So I started over….I’ve gotten to the rib on the first sock and no farther. I’ve been busy with work and when I do have time to knit I’ve been distracted by the Debbie Bliss black silk which I’m knitting up in an English lace pattern. At this rate he might get his birthday socks by Christmas. I just can’t help it….that black silk is so soft and yummy….and I’m so weak.
