All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Slightly more human

Although I still have an infection in my jaw of all places. It hurts and is making eating difficult so my BG is running really low one minute and then freakishly high the next. I’m on a heavy dose of antibiotics (I don’t usually take antibiotics) which is making my stomach queasy….or it could be the vicodin which I’m popping like breathe mints. (I don’t usually take pain pills either….) I’ll be so glad when this tooth is fixed….or yanked….either way is fine with me right now.

I’ve only taken one day off….considering the amount of pain I’ve been in that is really pathetic….in fact I’m at work right now…..

As a result (of all this pain) I’ve gotten nothing productive accomplished all week. I tried to work on the pedicure socks but after knitting away for two hours and realizing that I had only knit two rows and that I had in fact made a mistake and would have to rip it out….I decided that knitting under the influence of pain pills was a really bad idea. I did however HOLD my shawl and THINK about knitting some…..if that counts. ;)


Karen said...

Oh no!!! :( Sounds terrible. Wishing you healthy teeth and blood sugars in the 90s.

Mac's niece said...

Hello! It's so good to find out who you are, and now I can thank you again and in (blog)person for all the spoils you have send me as part of SP10. You have been the BEST secret pal. I am wearing the socks that I knitted with the yarn and pattern you sent me right now, and they are just so comfy. I might just be a sock convert!

I'm sorry to hear you have not been feeling too well - I wish you a speedy recovery.

Count me in as a regular visitor now - what a great blog - full of such warmth and humour.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Monika, this is your SP10 who is way behind on sending out the final parcel, but, who will do it next week... 'till then!

Mac's niece said...

Hi again! I got a fabulous parcel today and I love it! It has rained nearly every day in June here in the UK, and so the hat is looking just soooo appropriate! Can't wait to start. There was a fabulous knitted purse pattern too. I love handbags (purses) so I am going to have so much fun.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yo, Monika - it's on it's way!

Your SP10!