All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Monday, October 15, 2007

I’m back!

Festival is over….much stories to tell but that will have to wait until I get some of this paperwork done and my head is clearer.

I had some very cool yarn waiting for me when I got home last night. I love the color and the smell is wonderful! Pictures later today after my eyes can focus again. But I did want to thank my SP11. That’s seriously neat yarn.


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! I'm glad you received it, and more importantly, like it! I have some in my stash but I haven't knit with it yet.


Anonymous said...

I've knit with that yarn a few times now, and it's one of my faves. I love how they feel *on*. Knitting with it is like opening a prezzie, too, since it's self-patterning. Gorgeous! Lucky you! :)