All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Monday, September 24, 2007


Of course I didn’t go to bed until 3am so that could explain my ‘arse’ dragging today. I did finally finish the purple socks and gifted them to the daughter. They fit her perfectly and she really likes them. The batteries in my camera are dead so I’ll take pictures of them tonight after work.

I’ve already started on a pair for Mr. Man in that lovely green merino that my SP11 sent me. I had intended on keeping that yarn for myself because it’s just so pretty but after about a dozen not so subtle hints about how I’ve managed to make socks for everyone in the free world except him…..well I caved and cast on his future socks. I decided on a manly garter rib stitch pattern which should be a quick knit. Ok….quicker knit. Work is really interfering with my knitting time.

I think I’m going to frog the lace shawl. I did some quick calculations and I don’t think I’m going to have enough yarn to make this as big has I want, and since the yarn was gifted to me and didn’t have a yarn band identifying the type of yarn it is, chances of finding more are slim. But I know I can find more of the Debbie Bliss silk in black that my mother sent me so that’s the direction I’ll head….besides a black shawl in silk sounds yummy…..of course as I cruse around the ‘nets’ I’m sure I’ll change my mind a few times.

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