All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Work is completely getting in the way of my knitting.

I’ve started on my April socks…finally. I’m knitting up that yummy merino that my Secret Pal sent me. It’s SOOO pretty. Here’s where she got it from Tidal Brook Yarns Check it out….she has some amazing things in her ebay store. I see money spending in my future. I’m knitting these socks on US #1 double points (damn those suckers are tiny)…K2P2 rib for 1.5 inches but from there I haven’t really decided what pattern to go with. This is a pretty busy yarn so I’m thinking ‘less is more’ when it comes to the body of the sock….but I just LOVED knitting that elongated corded rib (that I used for Sweetness’s socks) so I’m leaning towards that….but I know myself and I might end up changing my mind….again.

I’m ‘yarn shopping’….not buying yet but looking and researching what yarn I want to knit a summer shawl out of. Yes I’ve decided I NEED a summer shawl. I’ve narrowed my pattern search down to four contenders with the one I posted yesterday as the front runner. But rather then jumping in without thinking it through I’m taking my time and making sure it’ll be something I’m really happy with….unlike the winter poncho I’m currently knitting (and ripping and knitting again), although I think I’m finally happy with that way its coming along. Interestingly enough I ended up knitting it in a dark purple variegated yarn (it’s an acrylic blend….not my favorite but easy to throw in the wash with my jeans) in a garter stitch, again not all that exciting but really well suited for the pattern and the yarn (On my Denise Interchangeable Circulars my mother bought me). Wow…I must be maturing….very ‘knitty’ practical of me.

I’ve also started ‘shopping’ for a nice bulky natural blend to knit a throw rug out of using my knitting board. I found a great pattern and I’m itching to cast SOMETHING on to my completely yarn ‘naked’ knitting board also a gift from my mom. It taunts me every time I walk past it “Hey you gonna knit on me or what?” Yes….yes I will….just as soon as I find the right yarn.

I heard from my Secret Pal (is it spoilee or spoiler? I never remember….and apparently English grammar and spelling escapes me) anyway….the one I’m spoiling. She got the gift certificate I had her LYS send her….had to do a bit of researching on that one let me tell you. Google mapquest is my friend. She went right out and bought all kinds of yarn….woman after my own heart.

Ok…enough mindless rambling. I’m actually at work. As you can see I’m getting a lot of important work stuff done….yep…right. Again, good thing I’m the boss or I would really can my behind.

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