All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Work is kicking my butt

And as a result I’ve been lacking in the ‘post’ department. I’m afraid I’ll be hit or miss until this festival is over and done.

I’m dying to use my brand new Denise Interchangeable Needles that my Mom (let me just say again….my mom rocks) sent me as surprise. I haven’t used them yet except to play around with them….no project started but I have one I’m itching to get going on. It’s a poncho…I need to go out and buy 12 skeins of some yummy yarn but lack of money right now is the root of all evil. So it will have to wait.

I did mange to knit up two washcloths this weekend in 100% cotton… will be sent when I get home from work. They were off the needles for less then a minute when Mr. Man insisted on using one. It survived in fine form and is hanging up on its very own hock drying even as we speak.

So right now I’m project-less (other then the never-ending-blanket from hell that I will end up working on until I’m eighty)….which sucks.

Weight is basically the same… change. My BG is up one minute down the next….again….the same as is usually for me. Work is stressing me out….and it shows.

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