All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ok…I’ll admit it

Getting goodies in the mail brings out the 5-year-old in me.

Today after an unbelievable ugly day at work I had this waiting for me on the kitchen table:

Ok….it was packed and wrapped up in lovely white tissue paper each sealed with little winter themed stickers.

I am slightly more mature then I was at age 5…..I did manage to open the card first:

It revealed my SP11’s identity…..Penny from

Lookie….Lookie…..This is “The Magic Loop” by Sarah Hauschka’s….Penny also included Knit Picks circulars 32” size 1.

And just incase that wasn’t exciting enough Penny also included this:

Yes….that’s right Cat Bordhi’s “Socks Soar on Two Circulars Needles” complete with two Knit Picks circulars 16” size 1….WOW….I mean….really WOW!!

But wait….there’s more! The first yarn is 80% merino/20% nylon hand dyed by Penny herself….it’s beautiful! The second one is Cherry Tree Hill Sockittome in Moody Blues….I’ve always wanted to try Cherry Tree Hill….yes I’m new. ;)

Next Penny included some “Soak” in citrus….and some Wild Honeysuckle body lotion. I love it!

Last the surprise that made me smile the most:

SUGAR FREE Twizzlers! This managed to reduce me to a giggling fool. Seriously Strawberry twists….sugar free. You can’t even believe how thoughtful and wonderful a gift that was.

Penny, you are amazing! I can’t thank you enough!

The promised pictures of Mr. Mans booties will have to wait until I have a chance to wash them. They ended up on his feet about 2 seconds after they came off the needles and now are much too sticky to get close too. :) good thing I love that man.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

It’s amazing what you find when packing

In the middle of packing up my office I found a few goodies.

Chuck E. Cheese has those cool photo booths….here’s two pictures of the daughter and granddaughter.

Mr Man drawn by our son….

And while I’m at it….Here’s a clip of some of our sons work from Sponge Bob (this is from the Atlantis Squarepantis episode)….

I finally finished Mr. Man's booties and started on a pair of socks for the granddaughter....I'll post pictures soon.

Ok....enough wasting time...back to packing. Happy belated turkey day.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I completely SUCK

In the blogging department these days. For that I sincerely apologize. My real life (not to be confused with my online life) has been turned upside down and I’m dealing with it (or not dealing with it depending on who you ask) the best I can.

My office is a wreck… looks like a bomb went off on my desk. Given that we’re moving in a mere 9 days you would expect there would be boxes everywhere. You would be wrong. I have not managed to pack a single thing. Not in my office and certainly not in the rest of the warehouse. Nothing, nada, zilch….not because I haven’t wanted to pack (ok…’wanted’ might be too strong of a word here) but because neither of the new warehouses are even close to move in ready. Add to that Turkey Day breaking a perfectly good week up and my employees insisting on actually being with their families (the nerve) and people wanting to celebrate their holiday down time by going to concerts (again…the nerve) building and moving progress is painfully slow. Yesterday the electrician cut through the main water pipe at the warehouse across the street….so today the plumber is doing his best to fix it. This entire move has been a case of “if it can go wrong it will go wrong”.

I’m not knitting much….a few rows on the two projects I’m dying to finish (Mr. Mans booties and the Debbie Bliss silk shawl) each day is all I can muster. Last night I fell asleep with the booties in my hand, in mid row. I woke up at 3 am with a sharp pain in my ‘arse’ thanks to a metal knitting needle and yarn tangled around my arm. No stitches lost thank goodness….the knitting muse had pity on me.

The last goodie box for my SP11 is nearly done….yarn and knick knacks with an Austin flare. I’m hoping it makes up for my lack of participation in her blogging world and this hasn’t been a completely underwhelming experience for her.

To my upstream pal, I send my apologizes….it’s no fun to spoil someone who rarely posts and whose glimpse of life are chaotic with little or no fiber content. I hope once her name is reveled she’ll give me the opportunity to make it up to her.

Ok….must run….the drywall guy just ran over to inform me he broke one of the ceiling light fixtures….sigh.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

No rest for the weary

I always look forward to this time of year….things slow down at work and I have more time for friends, family and my favorite pastime….knitting.

Not this year….this year work as been steady, with shows every weekend and here and there in the middle of the week. Add to that the unexpected office move and things are darn right hectic around here. We thought we would have 4 mouths to leisurely move 12 years of crap only to find out this week that we have until the end of November or be charged triple rent. Triple rent in addition to paying rent on the two new places while we remodel is undoable if we plan on keeping the business going. We just don’t make enough money to take on that kind of expense. So we’re scrambling….rushing to finish remodeling the small warehouse across the street enough to make it at least workable for us…..scrambling to build the infrastructure of the big warehouse enough so it’s ready to except our gear….all while continuing to do concerts and PA’s because this year business just hasn’t slowed down at all. Go figure.

My office is a complete disaster….my employees are a bit freaked out over all the changes. So am I but I have to keep it together and try to project a little confidence that everything is under control….We’re flying by the seat of our pants.

Other then that….things are fine. **insert hysterical laughter here**