All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Monday, January 22, 2007

I hate Mondays

Braved the ridicules traffic from my house to the phlebotomist, (although calling her that is giving her much more credit then she deserve). This is the same woman that mangled my arm the last three times I’ve had to have blood drawn….psycho with a needle would be more accurate. Dr. N’s new nurse (gawd I miss Jerry) forgot to order my TSH test….weird since when I called her to schedule the appointments and mentioned that I just wanted to go ahead and get my A1C at the same time, she told me that the only order for labs were for my thyroid levels. I had to get her to talk to Dr. N and add the A1C, so when I got in there this morning and asked psycho needle girl whether the doctor had added the A1C and she told me that was the only test he’d ordered….well I was thrilled to say the least. Good thing they know me very well because all I had to tell needle girl was “draw for the TSH too (which she did)….I’ll deal with the doctor” (which I did). Jerry was so good….and I really though of her as an important part of my diabetes team. I’ll give this new nurse the benefit of the doubt and call it new job screw ups, but I sure hope this isn’t a sign of things to come.

So now I get to wait a week until my appointment to get my results, Jerry use to call me the minute they came in because she didn’t want me to sweat it….I doubt this new nurse will think to do that from me. And I am sweating this A1C. I know when I have tight control and when I’m just ‘faking it’….and I’ve been faking it.

Since I got to work at the ass-crack-of-dawn this morning….the plan is to get the heck out of here by three and head over to Hill Country Weavers to pick up some more sock yarn and another pack of double pointed 3.5’s so I can start my socks at the same time rather then finish the first one and then start on the second. No I’m not just being obsessive about it….I really have a good reason for wanting to knit socks this way. See, I tweak nearly every pattern in some way or another and while I do write down the changes they never look right….it’s always a bit ‘off’. Not so much that anyone can notice other then me….but it drives me nuts. So while I was perusing knitting blogs I ran across someone that had started doing both socks at the same time….she’d tried doing two on a circular but didn’t like it (me either) and this seemed to work well for her.

Boring I know. And I’m posting this on all three of my blogs because….well….I have nothing else to say…that’s all she wrote.

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