All work and no play
Is leaving me grumpy and easily distracted by the internet. My little breaks from band riders and other work related stuff has led to my surfing knitting blogs, which has led to my wanting to go out and buy yarn.
So you COULD say that work is bad for me. At least that’s what I’m going to say. ;)
Yesterday I found myself at Hill Country Weavers ‘visiting’ the yarn. I went shelve by shelve, bin by bin and touched everything. Mr. Man called to ask when I might be home, work called to annoy me, the daughter called to ask if she and Sweetness could have dinner with us….and all I wanted to do was have a few hours to pet the yarn. That’s not asking too much is it?
I actually got out of there without buying any…but that’s not from my lack of trying. There was just too much to choose from and I couldn’t make up my mind so I decided that I would find a pattern first THEN head back and find the yarn, a vast improvement over my normal way of doing things.
Socks are on the ‘to do’ list because I just bit the bullet and joined a SAM knit along. I can do it….right? I mean how hard is it to do a pair of socks a month? Well for a normal person not so hard….for me….the get one done….look at it….hate it….frog it…queen, it might be a challenge. Light candles….burn incense….pray for me.
BG is surprisingly good. I woke up with a fasting of 86. I never have a fasting 86….of course I haven’t done anything amazing to warrant that good of a number so it’s just the diabetes gremlins giving me a break….for once. I’ve joined Allison and her OC challenge, betting $10 that I could drop a few pounds….of course Paypal has given me nothing but grief….My bank changed its name, was bought out by another bank so Paypay required me to go through this whole song and dance to verify my account again. I think it might be back to normal now….keeping fingers crossed.
Enough rambling….back to work….
OH….and my Mom {{waves and blows kisses::: “hi mom”}} is threatening to buy me a knitting board.
Yes I’m happy dancing at the possibility.