All the Fiber, None of the Fat

Saturday, June 30, 2007

See what I got…..

It came yesterday and on the package it said J Mana SP10…..Hmmmm….well now. So I looked through the amazing book and in the credits it said Janette Mana….J Mana…….holy cow….Seems my secret pal who’s done such a good job spoiling me is Janette Mana…..I think. Because I didn’t find any note in the package. The outside of the package said the contents were circular needles… wasn’t. But it was this amazing book with such lovely designs…. other then the name on the package corresponding with the name of the designer, I have no other clues.

SO….secret pal? Are you Janette Mana? And if you are….well your designs are stunning and I hope one day to be a good enough knitter to give them a try.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

And it’s still raining

I’m thinking it has rained everyday this month…..we’re having some serious flooding in Central Texas as well as a serious mesquite problem caused by all this water. A year and a half ago (just before the housing market started on its decline) Mr. Man and I were thinking about moving to Marble Falls (about an hour or so from Austin)….a friend of ours has two houses that he was willing to sell (they aren’t on the market….just willing to sell to us) and if we had actually been able to sell our current house…..well I’d be one of those people pictured on top of there roof waiting for a helicopter rescue. ‘My’ little Marble Falls house is 15 feet from the lake on one side and 10 feet from a waterway on the other side.

And still no end in sight.

On the blood glucose front:
It’s betting harder and harder to control, and I can just forget predicting what my numbers are going to be from one minute to the next. Fasting this morning was 164….I peaked at 240 and right now I’m at 132. ~sigh~ I have an appointment on the 9th……

On the knitting front:
I have three days to finish the socks for June (the ones I’m gifting to the daughter) three days…..truly its some sort of sickness that I constantly wait until the last minute to finish things.
I’ve actually finished the shawl from my secret pal gifted yarn….its very simple and cozy and just the minute it gets even the slightest bit cooler I’m wearing it. I can’t wait… this weekend of BOTH finished projects.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Slightly more human

Although I still have an infection in my jaw of all places. It hurts and is making eating difficult so my BG is running really low one minute and then freakishly high the next. I’m on a heavy dose of antibiotics (I don’t usually take antibiotics) which is making my stomach queasy….or it could be the vicodin which I’m popping like breathe mints. (I don’t usually take pain pills either….) I’ll be so glad when this tooth is fixed….or yanked….either way is fine with me right now.

I’ve only taken one day off….considering the amount of pain I’ve been in that is really pathetic….in fact I’m at work right now…..

As a result (of all this pain) I’ve gotten nothing productive accomplished all week. I tried to work on the pedicure socks but after knitting away for two hours and realizing that I had only knit two rows and that I had in fact made a mistake and would have to rip it out….I decided that knitting under the influence of pain pills was a really bad idea. I did however HOLD my shawl and THINK about knitting some…..if that counts. ;)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Happy Worldwide Knit in public day!

I’m knitting at work….although I don’t really think that counts since I knit at work all the time. But it will have to do since I’m stuck here for the time being.

I’ve completely abandoned the toe socks after frogging them dozen of times and still not getting them to look right. ~sigh~ I’m making the daughter pedicure socks instead. I’ll revisit the whole individual toe thing in the future.

I have 25cm left to knit on the shawl made from the yarn my secret pal sent me. Pictures next week, I promise.

Ok….sort and sweet….back to kni…er…work.